I keep telling myself, ok this is the last time. I've told myself at least a handful of times this past week, "This is the last time I'll be at Doublecreek."

I'm talking about our Round Rock location. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, we've been moving from 800 Doublecreek Drive to 3311 Kelly Lane for what feels like a millennium.  

This is it. On October 5th, 2022, I went to Camp Doublecreek at Round Rock for the last time. If I go again, I will be trespassing. It was a final walk through. Dan said, "If you see anything we might need, grab it!"

I wanted to take the basketball court and swimming pool, but they wouldn't fit in the bed of the pickup. So, that was out. I grabbed about fifty feet of rope. It was a strange moment. I needed to leave, but I didn't want to.

I said good-bye.

I left.

I didn't look back.

Leaving a place that's been a part of my life since 1971, was hard! For the last time, I made the trip from Doublecreek Drive to Kelly Lane. As I pulled into Kelly Lane, I realized something. This is home.

I went to work moving and putting things away. I found a special place for the rope I took. I walked to where our new basketball court and pool will be. I watched the horses in their new pasture. I said to myself, "Joe Ray, things change! Home is what you put into it. It's time to move on. It's time to practice what you preach." I've said many times, that Doublecreek isn't a place, it's a state of mind. If anyone should know this, it would be me!

This will be a great camp!

-Joe Ray